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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Georgia - the country

Many have expressed concerns to me about what has been happening recently in Georgia. Here is an article that gives a pretty good overview. The basics are that Russia invaded parts of Georgia and has refused to withdraw completely, despite the objections of much of the world. This is bad enough, but what really worries everyone is that this is about more than Georgia. For a long time, Russia has opposed the Westernization of some former Soviet countries. They have been against Georgia and Ukraine becoming part of NATO and do not seem to want them to become a part of the European Union in the future. Russia would like to maintain close relations with these countries and does not want to see them turn to the west. However, Georgia and Ukraine have continued to show interest in forging western ties.

This may have contributed to Russia's decision to invade Georgia. Now that this has come to pass, some speculate that other areas might also be at risk. Specifically, Crimea (in the southeast of Ukraine) has been mentioned. This part of Ukraine has more Russians than Ukrainians. In fact, many people in Russia believe that Crimea should never have been given to Ukraine in the first place. This is a controversy that has been around for years, but is seen in a new light after the recent events in Georgia. Some worry that Ukraine and Crimea could be next.

It is reasonable to be concerned, but right now this is only speculation. Emotions are still high from what is happening in Georgia and the situation is continuing to develop. For now, all we can do is wait and see what happens. I suspect that by next month things will have cooled down a bit. In Georgia, all 85 Peace Corps volunteers and trainees were safely evacuated. The Peace Corps takes the safety of its volunteers very seriously. On a personal note I would like to reassure my friends and family that when I am in Ukraine I will put my safety first and leave if I feel it is necessary. Thank you all for your concern.

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