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Friday, September 5, 2008

In Limbo

It's been over a month and a half since I moved out of my place in Indiana. So far I haven't spent more than a week or two in any one place. It feels kind of strange not having my own place to go back to and I am starting to realize that things aren't going to change any time soon. Even after the rest of my time here in the states, I will be living with a Ukrainian family for my first three months while I am in training. It won't be until after that that I will finally settle into my own place again.

Still, I consider myself lucky that there are so many places where I am welcome. My family and friends are the best! Not only have they invited me into their homes, but they have done everything possible for me. My parents are storing all my things. My brother Avery is looking after my dog until I get back. My other brother, Brian, is fixing my car as I type. But this doesn't even scratch the surface. I could go on and on about all the people who have bought me dinner or helped me out in any number of ways. I only hope that someday I will be able to return the favor.

And now to let you in on the latest. One person I haven't had a chance to spend much time with is my grandma. I was planning to drive to Pompano Beach to spend this next week with her. So she called me up last week and she said to me "If we're going to spend time together, wouldn't it be nice to do it in Italy?" I wasn't expecting that! But I'm thrilled to go and am looking forward to it. My grandma has always been the most generous person and she never disappoints. I was happy just to spend time with her, but Italy will be fantastic! We leave on Monday and we'll be there for about a week. I'll try to update the blog at least once while I'm there, but no promises. It might have to wait until I get back. I'll post some pictures!

20 days to go!

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