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Monday, September 8, 2008

details, details, details....

It's been a good weekend! I won some money playing blackjack at the casino with my brother and cousin. Not enough to quit my day job (if I had one), but it was a good time. Besides, any time I walk out of a casino with more money than I went in with, I'm happy. It's really a thrill!

I'm at the airport now ready to head off for Italy. We had a little bit of last minute excitement, but everything is okay now. I drove with my brother to the east coast and he drove my car back to the west coast by himself. I won't need it for the next week while I'm in Italy. The only problem was that my passport was still in the back of the car. Oops! On top of that his phone wasn't working so no one could get a hold of him until he got back to Sarasota. I thought I might have to drive all the way out to Sarasota and back (an 8 hour drive) which would get me back at about 4 AM. Luckily we finally did get Avery on the phone and he met me half way. Hopefully he's not too tired going into work this morning, we must have both gotten back at about 12:30. A bit of a late night, but not nearly as bad as it would have been for me. Thanks Avery, I owe you one! I've got to go because we are boarding soon, but I'll let you all know about the trip when I get back!

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