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Tuesday, November 10, 2009


From Lviv we continued on the train to Poland. First we stayed in Wroclaw in western Poland and then traveled back east to Zakopane, and then Krakow. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of Wroclaw, but I do have some of the other places we visited.

This is a small fortress we saw near Zakopane.

Despite the warning, we didn't see any ghosts.

This is the view from the top of the fortress.

No fortress is complete without its very own torture chamber.

On another day we went to the top of this mountain so we could hike around the lake.

There were horses for the people who didn't want to walk up or down the mountain. There were no cars allowed!

The city of Zakopane.

The hostel we stayed in was beautiful.

After a few days in the mountain we continued to the highlight of the trip, Krakow.

Wawel Hill

The fire-breathing dragon, guarding Wawel Hill.

Somehow, one of these pigeons had a circle of bread around his neck. His hungry friend pursues.

One of the best places we went was on a tour of the salt mines.

These sculptures were carved from the salt by miners in their spare time. The many sculptures, rooms, and large size of the mines were what made it so impressive.

This ballroom is completely underground and everything you see is carved directly from the salt. That includes the stairs, chandeliers, etc.

The floor tiles too!

The main gate to the city of Krakow.

This is the barbican, in front of the gate. If you're like me, you're wondering what a barbican is. It is a small fortress that was in front of the gate. It was connected to the rest of the town by an underground tunnel. If the city was under attack it would be used to help defend and prevent the attackers from breaching the gate of the city.

A native american that's a long way from home.



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