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Sunday, January 24, 2010


Christmas is on January 7th in Ukraine, but we still like to celebrate Christmas on December 25th. For Christmas we had some of our friends over. Even though most people still had classes they were able to get a day off to come down.

Here Heather and Martin are preparing some Christmas food in my very small kitchen (by American standards). Notice the hot sauce on the table. Thanks to all of my family for contributing some of those American foods that we miss so much. It's a real treat to have those things on holidays or just to bring a little excitement to a dreary day.

Here Martin sports his home made batman christmas hat and his frosty tie. I makes me think back to packing for Ukraine. Martin had a very different idea from the rest of us as to what he should bring.

Here is our Chuck eyeing our Christmas feast. Everyone worked real hard to make something special and we had a fantastic meal. The only rule we had for people coming was that they had to bring a dish as well as their own fork and plate. I don't think any volunteer in Ukraine has enough dishes by themself to host a party, but we all chip in to make a great party. It's idiosyncracies like this that make life in Ukraine interesting. We don't mind, it's just a little different from the way we usually do things back home.

This is our Christmas tree! We bought it downtown and had quite a time getting it home on the marshrutka (small bus), but nothing was going to deter our Christmas spirit. We didn't have any ornaments, so we decorated it with things from around the house. We also made popcorn and strung it. It may not be the prettiest tree I've ever had and it didn't have the most expensive ornaments, but we worked hard for it and it really made our Christmas special. We were so grateful to have it. This picture is credited to Heather.

My landlady has many of her things in the apartment and one of those things are these antlers. It has become a tradition that we always put the punch in antlers, like so. Why not?

Heather and I wish you Happy Holidays!

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