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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Language Refresher

At the end of January Heather and I went to Western Ukraine for a language refresher. We stayed at a sanitarium with many other Peace Corps volunteers and had language classes with Peace Corps teachers. Unfortunately, there's not much sun this time of year but the area was very beautiful. We went for a little hike and took some pictures.

I haven't seen so many pine trees since I came to Ukraine. The sanitarium was in the middle of a forest which gave it a really nice atmosphere.

Temperatures around this time were -20 degrees Celsius and there was plenty of snow.

There is a lake nearby, but it was completely frozen over.

Heather really wanted to stand on the frozen lake. I was scared.

We made a new friend just outside the building where we were staying. We had fun, but I was happy to leave the north and get back to my warm apartment.

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