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Thursday, September 25, 2008

The last...

This past week, I've been thinking a lot about the last time I will get to do things before I leave. The last time I get to be together with my family, the last time I'll see my dog, and even the last time I'll eat at Taco Bell (oh, what a tragedy). Every where I look there are things that I won't get to do again for a good long time. But I realize that this is only one side of the story. Along with the lasts come the firsts. Today is my first day in the Peace Corps and will also be the first time I will meet my fellow volunteers. Soon I will be spending my first days in my new home. And there will be many other firsts, many of which I don't even know about yet. New foods, new experiences, and new friends. It's difficult to say goodbye, but I'm not just saying goodbye to my old life, I'm saying hello to my new one.

I will still be in touch for the next few days while I am in Philadelphia. My flight leaves for Kiev at 5:50 on Thursday from JFK. After that, I'll talk to you from Ukraine!


Unknown said...

Yeah- well- WHERE ARE YOU NOW???

I want pics and stories!!

Unknown said...


When you get a chance- you should check this out- made me smile- I hope it does so for you too.

Hope all is well out there- can't wait to hear about your adventures!

Unknown said...

Dude! Man! Bro! WHat's the good of having a Ukraine Blog if you don't write about the Ukraine!?!?!?!

Seriously, it's boring here- either give me some dirt about being over there or come back to keep me company!!!

Unknown said...

Hey- so since you are not updating any of us on everything out there- I thought I would update you on everything here. (such as it is)

It's begining to get colder here- we have had days in the 60s but the skys have been blue- and I will be sure to send pix of the leaves changing - The semester is well underway- and people are working left and right-
Marco defended his dis on Monday and Ana defended her Prelim- with no revision necessary on Wends-

Jim has joked about driving his Lexus off a cliff due to the decline in the stock market- he was reminded that he would never actually do that to his Lexus.

I don't know how much you have been able to keep up with US news (especially since you do not seem to have the internet- how do you do it?!?!?) So here's a quick recap-

Tonight is the VP debate- we are all waiting on the edge of our seats and counting down the hours- especially since both Sarah and Joe are a bit of a media disaster right now- Sarah has been in debate boot camp all week at McCain's AZ ranch after a giving a pretty incoherent interview with Katy Curric late last week and Joe has just been saying dumb things every time there's a camera on him- should be fun.

The economic crisis has been monopolizing the rest of the media- makes me glad I have no money to loose and no house to pay for.

You are missed- hope wherever you are you are having a blast, eating weird food, and getting the hang of speaking Ukrainian.

hugs from IN

Jenna said...

I like the "lots of lasts, but lots of firsts" thing--so very true, sometimes its hard to think about in a situation where you are going into the "unknown" and can be nervous and scared.....I will be keeping that in mind! Glad to have found your blog!