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Friday, November 19, 2010

Moving out of my apartment

These pictures will show you how a Peace Corps volunteer in Mykolayiv lives. Keep in mind that my apartment is nicer than that of most volunteers, even the ones that live in the city. Some volunteers in the city get their heat from wood fire stoves, don't have hot water, etc.

Ukrainian kitchens are small by American standards, but I did have a stove and oven, luxuries that not all volunteers have.

My bathroom is pretty typical except that usually in Ukraine the toilet is in a different room from the bath tub (usually a very small room).

This is the view from my balcony. It's dark, but if you look close enough you can see City Center. Balconies in Ukraine are usually not for sitting on, but they are where you hang your clothes to dry.

This is my living room and bedroom.

You can see my suitcases all packed up. I took these pictures the night that I moved out.

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